Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Operation: Fix My Messed-Up Teeth

For as long as I can remember, I have hated my teeth. When I was a kid, I went to an orthodontist for a consultation, and they told me my teeth could only be fixed through surgery (cutting out/pulling my lower jaw forward), and then I would have to get top and bottom braces, spacers, a bite plate, rubber bands, and headgear. All those things are absolutely DEVASTATING to a kid, so I said "Thanks, but no thanks", and was on my way.

Fast forward about 20 years later. I STILL hated my teeth...

Gross teeth, but at least I'm with David Cook. :-P

With all the new advances in technology over the years, I decided to see if any of them could work for me. In May of 2009, I went for an Invisalign consultation. I didn't get my hopes up too much, as I thought Invisalign was more for minor tooth issues, and, in my mind, what I had was a pretty major issue. But no - the orthodontist told me my smile could be perfected within a year or two! So I pulled out the credit card, put my $1700 down (ouch), tried not to think about the fact that I would be making monthly $150 payments for a year, and started with treatment.

Step One:

Spacers in between my bottom teeth to make room for Step Two...

Step Two:

An appliance with rubber bands in order to align my jaw. This step made me look suuuuuper hot, and lasted for 6 frickin' months.

I especially enjoyed how the rubber bands would occasionally snap if I opened my mouth too wide. Ow.

Step Three:

Finally time for Invisalign! (you can't really see it though, can you?!)

Step Four:

Add more Invisalign attachments onto my FRONT TEETH. If you couldn't see the aligners before, you definitely could now (this picture is without the aligners in so you can better see the hideous "tooth-colored" buttons.

Step Five:

Invisalign attachments OFF (finally), and I get a brand new shiny watermelon retainer. Holy lisp, Batman!

I look hideous today so I'm not gonna post a picture of me with the retainers in... but basically, I have to wear these retainers 24/7 for 6 months, and then I only need to wear them at night. I kinda wish I had taken close-up pictures of this whole step-by-step process, but the pics I have above are the best that I've got... so deal with it.

Stay tuned for a picture of the finished product........


  1. was it worth it? 'cause i'm still keeping my crooked teeth....

  2. I have crocked teeth but im get braces spacers hurt the first day!
